Hi, my name is Georgia.

Thank you for being here!

I look forward to serving you and your family.

If you have any questions, please reach out to me and let’s chat!


It was a $200 Craigslist camera.

A friend shared the listing with me.

I messaged the owner that same night.

It was the most money I’ve ever spent… on something that I didn’t even know how to use.

I bought the Scott Kelby Digital Photography Book and used the camera that same weekend at the Getty Museum in Los Angeles.

I remember spending hours and hours every night editing the images.

Those photos weren’t good at all. They were pretty cringy, actually.

I stayed up editing and learning until 2am every night knowing very well I needed to get up in just 4 hours to make it to my day job.

I worked as a public school teacher for another few years before leaving it completely.

The $200 camera turned into over a decade of lessons, hardships, memories, and friendships.

It turned into a business.

It turned into my life.

It’s hard to imagine where I would be if I never purchased that camera.

And I probably wouldn’t have met my husband. Or have the most incredible & sweetest daughter in the whole world! She is truly the best! I’m SO proud to be her mama.

Anyway, I digressed.

Over the years, my craft expanded to film.

My skills became more technical.

My preferences became more refined.

I’m ever so grateful for still doing this work (with a break somewhere along the way).

And the best part is sharing it with you.


Let's do good together

Let's do good together
